Cultural Transformation Next Steps after Executive engagement (2-days with 19 cultural blueprints)

yellow Mickey Mouse shoes
Disney’s Shades of Green Resort is today’s writing location.

Cultural Transformation Next Steps after Executive engagement (2-days with 19 cultural blueprints)

Traditional blueprint assignments:

Leaders: CEO, Human Resources, Labor Relations, Employee Relations; one of these four owns total responsibility.

Employees: HR & Marketing (Employment, Training & Development, Communications, Recognition)

Customers: CCO (Chief Customer Officer), HR (Orientation, OJT, Ongoing Training)

Reputation: HR (Training) Marketing & PR (Communications)

Improve: CEO, HR, Marketing

We started with senior leadership because you are the most connected and experienced with the organization’s strategy. You know things no other levels know.

Recommend creating a corporate Historian (including video/photo library) to work with and assist all other areas to make key links and connections to the founder’s story, heritage & traditions, traits and behaviors, language and symbols, and shared values.

The most natural things to feel about uncharted territory: doubt, fear, anxiety, confusion, excitement, joy, relief, hope, motivation.