It’s never going to feel safe
Let’s agree that risk implies an uncertain outcome – an uncertain future.
Easy, right?
The good news about organizational vibrancy risk when the future isn’t certain is that you know you are on to something special.
Listen to the sound of that again – you’re on the path to something special.
Of course, the other option is to stay on the beaten path, the tried and true.
You know what you’ll get.
Plain vanilla.
Now back to the uncertain path, the future, and the reality that your risk might not work.
This is the opposite of the tried and true formula which requires us to do today what we did yesterday and the day before that. And to repeat that tomorrow and the day after that.
Every day you embrace an uncertain future is a day of adventure.
Will you have the stamina, the courage, the creativity, the tenacity, and the desire to keep moving forward when the logical thing to do is to turn around and retreat?
Imagine answering, “Yes.”
Burn the ships, no?