Deconstructing Disney DNA To Reconstruct It, For Your Future Enjoyment

Deconstructing Disney DNA To Reconstruct It, For Your Future Enjoyment

Culture is what people think and do without thinking.

  • Culture = habits.
  • Habits = results
  • Culture = results 

Your Organization has an origin story. Therein is the origin of your Organizational DNA.

My role as a Disney Keynote Speaker and business advisor is to show ‘outsiders’ the way.

The Disney Way is loaded with entertaining and impressive distractions. Outsiders call it Magic.

Insiders, Employees (Cast Members), don’t call it anything. It is simply the way we do things: The Disney Way if you will, but we don’t call it the Disney Way.

Remember, (Disney) culture is what people think and do without thinking.

i’ve deconstructed Walt (and Roy) Disney’s DNA and reconstructed it in 19 brilliantly simple architectural blueprints.

Perhaps the easiest way to think about the so-called ‘Disney Way’ is to imagine this question, “What would Walt do?”

My 19 architecture blueprints allow anyone to over-focus, and act with world-class discipline, on the core basics of Disney’s business.

Never get bored with the basics.
