Cultural Business Excellence Blueprints Implementation Plan

Disney author Jeff Noel writing at wilderness Lodge
Today’s writing is from Disney’s Wilderness Lodge Resort.

Business Excellence

Let’s review the suggested cultural blueprints implementation plan.

The Building owner is the CEO.

Deliverables from Leaders Champions are full set of blueprints.

Leaders: Vision (Yours, tiers up to company vision statement), Involvement (Training versus Development), Accountability (two 3-legged stools), Commitment (Internal Values).

Employees: History (Founder’s Story, milestones), Customs (Behaviors, traditions), Icons (Language, Symbols), Values (Internal).

Customers: The Bullseye (Wow), 360 Analysis (Needs, Wants, Stereotypes, Emotions), Unifying Goal (Common Purpose), Decision Tree (Non-Negotiable, Famous For, Business Need).

Reputation: Your Promise (Unifying Goal), Delivering Your Promise (Process Mapping), Emotional Connection (Behavioral Guidelines).

Improvement: Generate Ideas (Build your box), Select Ideas (Continuous Improvement Process), Implement Ideas (CIP), Leader’s Role (Environmentalist).

All collaborative efforts by executive leaders and the cross-functional teams should revolve around simple, focused, energetic, creative, visionary, and scalable outcomes – blueprints for an organizationally vibrant culture.