Before we begin, let’s ask, “Are you satisfied with your Organizational Vibrancy?”
And by the way, you have anonymity, right now, with your answer – so relax, be real, and lean into discomfort just enough for your truth to be set free.
So let’s ask again…
Take a deep breath…
Another slow, deep breath as you hear this again…
Are you satisfied?
Your Organizational Vibrancy reputation and your results.
Are you satisfied?
Your answer?
Anyone’s answer?
An educated guess says our answers match.
That’s why you’re reading this book and that’s why this Disney Organizational Vibrancy book needed to be written.
• • •
Everyone wants to improve.
There are exceptions to every rule, but there aren’t many.
We are not the exceptions.
Dissatisfaction can and should be used as a tactic (tool) to gain a competitive advantage.